Thursday, December 13, 2012


   After all this time he finally asked you to be his wife! You were so caught up in the moment that you didn't even ponder the seriousness of his question and in turn the answer you gave him. That was Friday night. But as you stare in horror at the engagement ring snugly hugging your finger on this Monday morning you realize the magical event that you have dreamed about has given way to a harsh but true reality. You don't know if you want to marry him. As the years past without him popping the question you had grown accustomed to all the excuses he gave for why he was "not buying the cow, but getting the milk for free". You believed him when he told you he needed more time. You supported him when he said he wanted to wait for his career to blossom. You trusted him when he told you he would do right by you. And to his credit he did do everything he said he would but did it have to take damn near ten years.

   You waited patiently holding back your true feelings on the subject because you didn't want to pressure and scare him away because he was a good guy. He had treated you better than any other man had. He was always there when you needed him and most importantly when you didn't. You always thought he had the makings to be a good husband because he was such a great boyfriend. So why now after you have the ring on your hand are YOU the one having doubts about marriage. Had the time passed so far along that you had decided it was better to just remain where you were than to take a chance and go where neither of you had went before? Where you just scared of what being a wife, his wife meant? Was the idea of suddenly being fully committed to one man by law too much to take? Was it trust? Was it his finances? Was it the sex?

What is it now that is keeping you from being as excited now as were then when he got down on his bended knee, opened the little purple (your favorite color) ring box and asked you to make his life better by accepting his proposal of marriage? You do love him...don't you?! YES!!! OF COURSE YOU LOVE HIM!!! But is love enough to become his wife? You are actually thinking about telling him you need more time to re-think your answer. You want to tell him your first response was made with pure emotions devoid of practical thinking. But will he take your request for more time as a sign that you don't want to marry him? Will he rescind the proposal? Will he think you're ungrateful or worse think you don't love him? You are in a full state of confusion and panic as you weigh the pros and cons of becoming his "MRS". Your heart is telling you to marry him. Your mind is telling you to take the time to decide. As you stare at the ring on your finger you are mentally beating yourself up. Now you are the one asking yourself...why did you say yes?!

Be BETTER TODAY, than you were yesterday

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