Thursday, February 14, 2013


    He finally thought she was the one. He was confident that he found the woman that he would spend the rest of his life with. She was intelligent, funny, beautiful, elegant and had a body models would kill for. But what he didn't know was that she also had a dark secret that would eventually be revealed on the worst of all days imaginable...their wedding day, Valentine's Day. When the preacher asked if any person has good reason why they shouldn't be married, his best man stepped forward. He sadly confessed to sleeping with his best friend's soon to be future wife. And like a dagger to his heart in front of all their family and friends she tearfully confirmed the confession. His wedding day was supposed to begin a lifetime of happiness on the day created to celebrate love. But at the end of that day he would only remember the misery and pain. So that's why every year on the 14th of February while everyone is being all extra lovey dovey...he sits back shaking his head with his arms crossed thinking maaan...$#&! VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

   She was happy. Something she hadn't experienced in what seemed like decades. She had met the most amazing man. He treated her like royalty from the first day they met in the coffee shop. He was considerate and caring. He made her feel like no other woman in the world was more important than she was when they were together. She was so excited to be spending Valentine's Day with him that she bought a new dress and sexy underwear because she knew tonight she would give him her greatest gift. The date was magical and as they were leaving the restaurant she knew in him she had found something special. Until his wife confronted them. She attacked her husband as he was opening the car door for her. Then turned her rage on her as she tried to explain that she didn't know he was married. The cab ride back to her home was sickening. She could only think about the embarrassment and disappointment. So that's why every year on the 14th of February while everyone is being all extra lovey dovey...she sits back shaking her head with her arms crossed thinking girrrl...$#&! VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

They knew they had married for the wrong reasons but they still tried to make it work for the kid's sake. After over a decade of faking and pretending to be happy they both admitted their relationship was over. The love was there but it wasn't enough to resolve the numerous issues that plagued their union. It seemed like fate that their divorce would be finalized on the anniversary of their first date, Valentine's Day. It was awkward to be sitting at a lawyer's office table instead of at a candle lit dinner table. But they knew what needed to be done. They had to save face now so that they both could continue on with their lives and so that the kids wouldn't have to suffer the effects of a broken and divided home any longer. They signed the papers, shook hands and went their separate ways. There is something painful about divorce it is like a reaffirmation of a failure you acknowledged too late. So that's why every year on the 14th of February while everyone is being all extra lovey dovey...they sit back shaking their heads with their arms crossed thinking...$#&! VALENTINE'S DAY!!!

Be GREAT TODAY, because you may not given the time to be tomorrow.

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