Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One GOOD GIRL Is WORTH A Million Other Chicks

   I never believed in "love at first sight" cause that shit is for love sick idiots. I did however believe in smashing on the first night. So when I first saw her I know I had to have her in my bed. She was gorgeous! Talked with class, had some sexy eyes with an incredible smile and most importantly she had a bad ass body! I mean one like you wouldn't believe! I'm talking curves so crazy that they would make a Nascar driver envious. But it's a trip because I was so caught up in her physical beauty that I never thought that it would be her personality and presence that I would ultimately come to desire. The numerous internal treasures that I couldn't see would be the reasons that I would fall so deep into her pool of love that I would never return to the surface. Now before I bore you with the mushy details of how love came to be I must first explain what I was at the time of our introduction. In the interest of time and honesty...I was exceptionally promiscuous or if you wanna be a jerk about it, I was a Super-Hoe. I loved being with different women and since my "almost a daddy" experience in high school, I had made it my mission to have so many chicks under my sheets that I would be mentioned in the same class as Mr. Chamberlain. Great ambitions huh?!

   But things rarely go as we foresee them going. So there she was in the Virginia Union University campus bookstore looking right! So I approached her and we talked exchanging dorm telephone numbers. One thing eventually blossomed into several and before either of us knew it we had become a couple. Storybook right? Not exactly. We dated for a couple of years then got engaged even moving into together to share a townhouse. But there was a major issue that threatened the potential of what could be. I WAS A WHORE! I lied. I deceived. I disrespected. I was everything that she didn't need in a man, in her life at that time. And it eventually wore her down. One night as I was about to go creep with one of my numerous side chicks she stopped me. She calmly told me if I left that night that she would not be at home once I returned. She proceeded to reveal to me that as clever as I thought I had been, protecting her feelings by concealing my cheating, that I in fact had not been clever at all. She began naming names, revealing places I had been, referencing past voice mails and text messages. She confirmed that she knew I was unfaithful and that she had finally had enough. I would have to choose. Was being with all those other females worth losing her?

   For the first time in a long time I had to acknowledge that my actions had consequences that could affect me for the rest of my life. Now the truth was that I did love her I really did but the problem was that I was also still much in love with the thrill of getting pussy. But now I would have to decide between those two loves. I would have to be honest with myself and recognize which one brought me true joy and peace. I remembered what I knew all those years ago when we first met that this girl was different, special in a way that I had never experienced. It was in that moment that my heart broke. It broke not because my secrets had been revealed or that my pride had been exposed but because I had deeply wounded someone that really loved me and perhaps more someone that I really loved. So to make a good story even greater. I stopped humping around immediately. I went into a voluntarily enforced rehab (cause pussy was my drug), I cut off the other chicks cold. I re-committed myself to her that night. I promised her that since she had put up with my betrayals and bullshit for so long I would spend the rest of the time we would spend together making her happy. I dedicated myself to giving her the relationship she deserved and should have had from the start. It's amazing that the addiction of being with other woman brought her to my attention but the kicking of that habit would keep her with me.

   So now I am very proud to say that eight out of the last eleven years that we have been together I have been 100% sober. We will be celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary in October of 2013. We are the parents of a beautifully intelligent four year old little woman. We have built a life together that gives us tremendously more good days than bad. She has brought so much to my life that I could never repay her gamble for trusting that I would change. I found a rare Crystal in a sea of common stones and I thank the Lord everyday that he gave me the wisdom to fully appreciate her before another man did. I stare at her in amazement most times not just to check out her body (which is still banging after all these years) but to quietly say thank you. She gave me a life that I would never have know was meant for me if I had stayed out in the streets. And when our eyes meet it is in her captivating glance framed perfectly on her lovely face radiating out from her one of a kind smile that I am constantly reminded that I had finally learned good girl is worth a million other chicks.

"Those that have greatness in them also possess the bring greatness out of those around them." - TWIL

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