Wednesday, August 7, 2013


    Hello there! My name is...well you can't pronounce my heaven name in your earthly tongue so y'all can just call me Baby. I wanted to talk with you both. Why?! Well I have been given the rare opportunity to speak to my potential parents so I'm doing just that. Yes you sir might become my father and you ma'am might become my mother! Excited?! Terrified?! Both?! Yes I'm sure you are experiencing many feelings probably none more so than utter confusion. So let me attempt to offer some clarity. Here in heaven, we get to select the vessels (mom and dad) in which we transcend into your world. So I asked the Lord could I speak to you both. I know, I know you haven't even been introduced to each other. So...potential Mom, potential dad. Potential Dad, potential Mom. Good?! Great! Here's the deal, on earth there is this thing called pro-life and pro-choice which are loaded phrases to describe choosing to conceive or choosing to deny conception. And since the Lord gave mankind the ability to think and make choices, you folks down there have created numerous ways of choosing to enhance conception and many more options to stop it. With that said I need y'all to understand that I am not here to push either of you in your decision making because I can choose to keep chilling here in heaven or come down to earth and live. See that's the power of choice! 

   But I am here to help you understand the decisions y'all made and the factors that contributed to those decisions concerning my arrival or lack thereof. Sooo...allow me to quickly play spoiler. You meet early in college. Date for a couple of years. Fall deeply in love. Engage to be married and move in together. Still with me? Good. During the engagement is when you two will have to decide whether you are "pro-life" or "pro-choice". Many factors will come into play but know that the love you share for each other and for me will not be a negative factor. So here are the facts. You both will still be in college trying to graduate. Neither of you will have sufficient means to provide and raise a baby separately or together. You both want to have kids and start a family. You both also do not want your child to be forced to grow up in poverty or in foster care. You both have used various birth control methods and neither of you have been in this situation before. You both have goals you want to attain and dreams for yourselves and for me that you want to be in position to make reality. One more note...the religious beliefs that have molded your faiths and the judgement of your parents and peers will also have strong influences on both of your final decisions to be either pro-life or pro-choice. Even though the thought of becoming parents will be nerve wreaking it will also be heart warming for you both. 
   The final decision that YOU BOTH AGREE to forever changes your lives. And that is why I asked to talk with you first. Truth is I like you both and I just wanted to tell you that regardless of what you decide in the next couple of years I will not hold any ill feelings toward you. If you are my parents I know you will love me unconditionally and for that I will do my best to make you proud and if you are not I know the love you would have given to me would have been unmatched. So regardless of how folks down there may judge you for being pro-life or pro-choice. I won't. Because I know what you have to consider and I know what is truly in your hearts. I have always believed that my potential mother and potential father would make the best decision regarding my well-being and quality of life before I came down the canal and I believe you both have that quality. So whether we meet in heaven or meet there on earth I know you two will consider all the factors and make the choice that allows all three of us to live without regrets. You both will have your own thoughts on being Pro-Life or I just wanted to share mine...a baby's point of view.

"Those that have greatness in them also possess the bring greatness out of those around them." - TWIL

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