Friday, January 31, 2014


   10:56 AM. Saturday morning. January 31, 2009. I witnessed you fight for your place in this world. The doctors and nurses were in a professional panic trying to free the umbilical cord from around your neck so that you could breathe your first breathes. I watched as a doctor pulled you out of your mother's womb, severing the cord that for 9 months was giving you life but as you attempted to exit through the birth canal was attempting to rob you of it. I saw a nurse rush you over to a nearby table and then suddenly you were surrounded. My heart dropped a little because there was only the deafening audio of quiet whispers as they attended to you. Then that's when I heard the sound of a miracle. I listened attentively as your voice filled the delivery room with cries of life, the cries of a victorious fighter. I breathed a thank you prayer to the Lord. I thanked him for bringing you to us while simultaneously keeping your mother safe through the process.

    I huddled behind the nurses as they cleaned your tiny wriggly body. I witnessed them gently wrap you in blankets and cover your head with a white and pink hat. I took so many pictures and videos of you during the first 10 minutes of your life one would have thought I was the paparazzi and you were a world wide celebrity. But to those that didn't know this was the moment I had dreamed of for years. So yes I did feel like that fan who had finally had been awarded the opportunity to meet his favorite star. I was basking in the light of your glory. Since May of 2008 I had felt your kicks. I had seen your sonograms. I had heard your heart beats. But nothing compared to the moment when I first held you in my arms and cradled you against my chest. I walked you over to your mother who was out of it (thanks to the medications administered for your emergency surgery) yet even in a haze she smiled, kissed you softly and held you because she too was living out a dream. Our baby girl was finally here! It has been 5 years since that day and your celebrity status to us has never been higher. We are amazed and entertained daily by the charisma you have and share with us.

   It is as if the good Lord took everything, the good and bad that we both have, and all of the traits that your siblings who came before would have possessed and combined them to create you, a super version of an awesome child, a child that we are privileged to call our daughter. Your increasing intelligence and beauty is remarkable and it is only out shined by the pure goodness of your heart. Your life journey is exciting to witness because of all you have already accomplished in the short time that you have been with us.  To watch you growing up so grandly is such a blessing that we do not any moment we spend with you for granted. We are encouraged by your daily progress and we patiently wait to see what other marvels you will share with us in time. I just ask Haven that as you continue to grow up that you remain humble and good spirited. Don't let the world hide or take away that divine spark you wear on your face every day...your smile. Please know that no matter how far you go or how old you get, it does not matter what happens in your life...we will always be here for you. And even if you marry or have kids of your own you will always be able to count on another fact....YOU WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR DADDY'S SMART STRONG PRETTY GIRL. So today I am screaming loudly to anyone that dares to listen...


"Those that have greatness in them also possess the bring out the those around them." - TWIL

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