Friday, November 27, 2015

Keep America..."AMERICAN"

*disclaimer* - this chapter contains provocative speech and views many SHOULD find offensive. It is just a fabricated story that does not reflect my thoughts, in fact they are intentionally opposite of my own personal beliefs. They are used in this medium only with the intent to force you to THINK.

Dear America,  

   I've been wanting to do this for some time and I figured with America the way it is now, it was as a good time as any to share my thoughts. Maybe they will reach other like minded folks and we can start a revolution together to take our country back before it's too late. But before I do I would first like to say that I am in no way form or fashion a racist, or generally a hateful person. In fact I actually have a sister-in-law who has a cousin who is friends with a man that is married to a black woman. And also I work in a factory with all different sorts of people who aren't white or true Americans. So before you label me as a bigot for what you are about to read remember that. I was born, raised and still live in what many folks consider the deep south so a lot of my experiences stem from my southern roots so when I wear my confederate gear it is a celebration of my heritage and I will never apologize for being proud of it. Let me first start off by saying I think it's alright for Blacks and Latinos to eat in the same restaurants with us. Shoot I like fried chicken and tacos too! I don't mind them gays integrating our schools and hell if those towel heads wanted to become real Christians I would welcome them inside our churches as well. But I draw the line when it comes to the mingling of the races. I tell ya I saw something the other day at Bubba's quick mart that almost made me swallow my tobacco chew! A white woman, AND a black man TOGETHER with their MIXED kids. I couldn't believe my eyes, one of their Mulatto abominations almost touched me when I was standing at the checkout counter! Talk about having a panic attack! But anyway back to my point.

   Now-a-days people think it's socially correct to accept other races as equal, hell the media even tells tries to tell us that homosexuals and even Muslims aren't a threat to our way of life. They call it being tolerant I just call it being stupid but that's them. I wasn't raised to be so naive. My biggest gripe is why on God's green earth would someone want to date, marry or even worse have children with someone of a different race from their own?! People should stick to their own kind! Looking at that woman I just couldn't understand why she would want to pollute her pure blood with his and create mixed babies. There is already enough wrong in this world, why would she intentional add to it! I mean take it from me, it's hard enough just being white in this country why make things harder on us by becoming a race traitor? America used to be perfect! But ever since Abraham Lincoln and that Martin Luther King fella started with all that "equal rights for all" nonsense America has been going down the toilet fast. Those boys and others lowered their guards due to public opinion. Years ago those clowns relaxed and opened up our borders so it could be invaded. I mean we took this country from the Natives we made it better but now we have all the Latinos, Arabs, Blacks and Homosexuals here and they are taking over OUR country! Those people are just poisoning America with their kinds of "cultures" Can't they see how everything would be better if they just went back to their own countries! Go on back to Mexico, Africa, Iraq and Queerville (LOL queerville Jasper would love that one). Hell I'll pay to ship you back myself! Anyway I was so shocked by what I had seen that I just sat there in my pickup in pure disgust. I watched her fawn over him and him over her. She acted like she was so happy when he opened the door for her and he acted so proud as he hugged and kissed their kids. I mean how could they be so giddy about race mixing?! Didn't their parents teach them any better?! Guess not!

  They seemed almost excited that they were contributing to the destruction of the country my ancestors fought so hard to take I mean make! And those people as well as many others are the main reason why America is no longer a place for real Americans! As they drove away I felt my stomach turn because it was hard to watch the demise of one of our women who had clearly been brainwashed and was confused but hey if she wants to be with a colored AND have his kids obviously she doesn't deserve to be one of us anymore, so I say, good riddance! Now I know that sounds harsh but hey God didn't give us all different skin colors, various sexual orientations or separate religions so we could all just get alone and be happy! You know walking around singing "kumbaya" like those Nigger I mean Afro-American spirituals. It's tragic but hey that's their decision I guess. See I try not to judge people based on their choices or preferences but it just makes me so mad when those queers have their gay rallies and ask for marriage rights. I get furious when them Arabs are allowed to walk around freely with their terrorists bomb-hiding head covers. Makes me want to grab my rifles when I hear all these foreigners speaking their languages that ain't American on AMERICAN soil! Times have sure changed for the WORST. Now everyone else acts like these people are American but they ain't real Americans like I am. I remember my grand pappy telling me about the good ole days when our people lived in this country without having to deal the mixing of races, gayness, or terrorists that today's generations have to suffer with. I would love listening to him talk about how he was a proud American and every where he went he was respected. Now he would roll over twice in his grave if he say how this land of the free has fallen. Hell a black man was elected president of the United States Of America, not once but TWICE! He lives in the white house with his black wife AND their black daughters...LIVES IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Think about that for a minute. The leader of the free world, of my America is a black Muslim! When the true American can to this land all those years ago it was truly beautiful. But know she has been descrated. America was supposed to be a country where people like me had the right to live a good life, have equal liberties and enjoy the pursuit of happiness! But dammit it's not anymore! We need to take America back we need to keep America...AMERICAN!

A Proud Red Blooded American Citizen

"You are either the greatest contributor...or the greatest threat to your own happiness." - TWIL

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