Thursday, June 14, 2012


 Just calm down alright. We know this feels like you're having a very vivid out-of-body experience but don't freak out you're not dead or having a near death moment. You are experiencing a divine intervention. A heavenly communication in the form of a dream. A dream we will use to share three revelations with you. The voices that you are hearing are very real so just relax and listen attentively. Are you alright now, yes?! Good! Let us explain to you how this is happening then later you will understand WHY we are having this interaction. In the beginning when God first placed man on Earth he still had the ability to hear Angels speak to him. But as his time spent on Earth increased and his sins multiplied he began to lose his divine connection that enabled him to communicate with Heaven. So because of this at times God will grant Angels in Heaven special permission to use dreams as a way to send messages to those on Earth. So with that said, let us introduce ourselves. The voices you are hearing belong to those of your children. Yes, voices as in plural, CONGRATULATIONS you are going to be a FATHER...of TWINS, a girl and a boy. We don't have earthly names yet but for this dream you can refer to us as Grace, your daughter and Mercy, your son. Normally the children that have chosen their Earth parents still aren't allowed to have contact with them until they complete their exit interview from Heaven. But God is permitting us to talk with you because of the monumental impact all four of us are meant to have on Earth. And even though we won't meet for another three Earth years we needed to let you know how important we are to your life and inform you of how critical your role of a father will be to both our lives and to the world. Everything we are about to share with you has already been written in the Book Of Life so you must understand that while some of it you will not like or comprehend, you will have to accept all of it as truth. Now open your heart and mind, let us guide your soul as we reveal the TRUE purpose of your life as a father.

 Hey pops this is Mercy. I will be explaining the first revelation to you...FAITH. As a young man you have committed numerous deeds that neither you nor the Lord have been proud of. Of all the good things you would do in your life you would always manage to do something worse that would negate it. But we patiently watched and waited. Our faith in you was rewarded because as you entered adulthood you slowly began to grow into the man we needed you to become. Grace celebrated when you began courting the young lady she had chosen to be our mother. Your relationship with her initiated a chain reaction that would ultimately change the world for the better. Mom brought your best qualities to the surface. It was her faith in you that renewed your faith in yourself. You chose to be a better man because of her. Which lead you to be a great husband. You believed her when she told you she saw greatness in you. Faith in yourself and in mom changed your mind about being a father. You realized that you could be a man worthy enough to raise children. Once that became your mindset you set the stage for us to become your children. So keep your faith regardless of how bad things will get. It will carry you...OK GRACE! Geez! Gracie wants to talk to you now. HI DADDY! This is Grace. I get to tell you the second revelation...TRUST. You have always had issues placing your trust in yourself and others. Your mistakes, past relationships with woman, grandma & granddad not being there and too many other events to name caused you to have a horrible level of trust. But you will need to trust more in yourself and in others as you go through life. I wont lie some folks will disappoint and betray you but the lessons learned from their falseness will give you great wisdom and insight. When we come to Earth you have to trust your abilities as a father and that your decisions will be made with our best interests at heart. You will have doubts because bad situations will occur but by trusting in yourself you will also teach us to trust own decisions & abilities. Trust is the unwavering bond that you, mommy, Mercy and I will share. It is this bond of trust combined with your pillar of faith that will allow you to be the support that we all will need in order to successfully progress through life. Ok daddy?! Now the last revelation we will give to you, we will speak together so that you understand how important it is. The third revelation is...SACRIFICE.

 Faith and Trust are the trees that still stand after Sacrifice has spread fire through the forest of Hope. Sacrifice will test your faith and trust in God and in yourself. Dad you will endure sacrifice in it's greatest form...death. You choose to sacrifice your own life. It is this choice that forever alters the decisions that mommy and us will make in our lives. We are sharing this revelation not to saddle you with guilt but because we want to explain to you WHY you made the choice to die. Shortly after our 13th birthday's we are notified that mom was a carrier of a new strain of cancer and that she had passed it down to us. After many months of research and painful treatments doctors discover that your bone marrow is the only treatment that seems to slow the progression of the cancer. You made the choice to allow us to live healthier and longer by  giving us your bone marrow to prevent our deaths. Your sacrifice of love and life as a father is the catalyst that changes the world. Mom begins a research charity foundation in your honor that brings about world-wide attention to cancer in a way that had never been seen before. The foundation's research eventually produces better and cheaper treatments for persons suffering with various terminal cancers. Working with the foundation gives mom away to positively accept and cope with your sacrifice. It also gives her the strength to battle back against her own cancer. Her time helping various people around the globe makes her fall in love with you all over again. Even though she bravely fights it, she eventually succumbs to her cancer. But it is your sacrifice combined with the passing of mom that has the greatest impact on us. It inspires us to find a way to prevent more lives from being lost. We become so involved with the charity that we grow up and choose the paths of becoming doctors. After many years of working as doctors we combine or skills and the influence of the foundation to discover a cure for not only our own cancers but for Leukemia, Breast and Lung Cancer! Our team also mistakenly develops a cure for HIV/AIDS. These cures are shared with the world which allow many families to celebrate life instead of mourning because of death. Some of the most lethal sicknesses that plague the world will be eradicated...thanks to your sacrifice. But if it were not for the lessons you will learn about faith and trust you would not even been in that position to make that sacrifice. You would not have connected with mom. You would not have become our father. These revelations, this dream is a message Dad...a message from your un-born children. We love you and we thank you for being our father. See you soon.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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