Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WOMEN Are Supposed to Have BOOBS...MEN Aren't

   Standing in the mirror you notice you are getting bigger in places you would rather not. Your face looks swollen. Your neck and chin are touching. Your arms aren't as muscularly shaped and you can't suck in your gut anymore. You hate how you look in clothes. You just don't like the way your body has changed. Fact is the weight you've gained over the last couple of years just kinda snuck up on you and now it is destroying your confidence. Reading these thoughts one would believe they are the thoughts of a woman but in reality they belong to a man. Men are concerned about their physical image perhaps even more than women. Yes woman face pressures to conform to a specific body type and it seems like their physical image is always under assault but men have to deal with those same expectations and desires to fit in. In fact men have self esteem issues regarding their bodies as much as women do. Really?! Yes they do. It is just something that is not discussed socially because most men choose to fight those battles behind closed doors. Admitting he has an issue like this makes him feel vulnerable and weak. Men are the ones that are more likely to choose to suffer in silence and are more inclined to not seek help. Because men are stubborn and proud creatures by nature the realization that they have become chunky is often neglected until an aliment induced by weight gain affects them. Men will deny they have a problem and will find creative ways to ignore it. But in the end there are few things that get a man's attention or destroy his psyche faster than growing a pair of man-boobies.

   Growing male breasts due to weight gain is the signal that he has lost control of his body. He can no longer hide the fact that his steadily increasing mass has reached critical levels. It is painful when he realizes that he could actually wear a bra. So that is the moment when he must recognize that the weight gain is no longer something to overlook. Not only can it cause irreparable damage to his physical abilities but also to his mental state. But even if a man doesn't care if he has dude-titties or that he is risking his mental well being, he should consider his sex life. He should taken in to account that his ability to perform sexually and his appeal to the opposite sex will take a hit with every unhealthy pound he acquires. It is a proven fact that packing pounds is a sex drive killer for men. And just like a man can grow to be less attracted to a woman when she gains weight, SHE can become less attracted to HIM. Think about it...a woman doesn't want to get freaky with a man whose boobies are bigger than hers. She doesn't want to take you bra shopping with her. She may never say it aloud but she DOESN'T WANT HER MAN TO HAVE BREASTS! But why wait for a woman to highlight what you already know. As a man you understand how being rejected can be a painful thing to experience and being told it is because you're a fat-ass is as harsh as it gets. Men don't have the luxury of blaming weight gain on being pregnant. Even though it might be stress or heredity related they don't have those excuses available to use either. Why?! The answer is obvious isn't it?! Because your are a MAN. You are measured by a different standard and that standard is WOMEN. Yes women! Men are always striving for the attention and approval of a woman.

   Some of man's greatest confidences are built on the compliments received from women. BUT even though having a woman admire you is great, a man shouldn't just be mindful of his weight gain simply to attract or keep a woman in his bed. No, the benefits of being healthy and active far outweigh the pleasures of frequent romps in the sack. Having guy-tatas and other tell-tell signs that you are adding unhealthy pounds should force you to re-examine your habits. It should hopefully make you consider lifestyle changes because your health is now at risk. Your health is one of the few thinks in life that you do have some control over. Weight gain is nothing to ignore because it can lead to complications that can hinder you all through your life...hell extra pounds can kill you. You don't have to become a gym-rat or a body builder but you can exercise some. Be more active. Take the stairs vs the elevator. Walk around your neighborhood. Stop the constant intake of fast foods and other unhealthy snacks. You can willfully make a lifestyle change that will give you more life. Think about how better your body would feel not being stressed out by extra weight you don't need. Don't wait for someone to put you on blast. Take the initiative yourself. Be open and honest, ask for help if you need it. Want better for yourself.  Because you don't want to leave this world earlier because you chose to neglect your body and health do you?! Sure you don't! You also know that a woman doesn't want her man to have boobs either. So say no to uncontrolled and unhealthy weight gain that causes you to grow man-boobs. Your future sex life, mental health and body will thank you.

Be Safe. Be Blessed

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