Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So WHY Do MEN LIE To Women?!

One fact of life is that ALL MEN LIE TO WOMEN. That is a powerful statement but it isn't as bad as it sounds...no really it's not. Believe it or not, 99.99% percent of men actually prefer being honest with women. But because of the consequences and unforeseen dangers associated with telling a woman the truth 99.99% of men choose to lie. The reality is all lies that men tell women ARE NOT bad lies, so technically lying can be a good thing. Granted some men use lies to take advantage of women. Others do it simply to protect their own personal interests or to hide their short-comings. Generally speaking the vast majority of men lie ONLY to protect a woman's feelings. They would rather see her comforted by a harmless lie than hurt by a dangerous truth. Men lie because they believe a woman really doesn't want to hear his version of the truth. He thinks that the truth will do more harm than good for him if spoken. Men are handi-capped with the need to use simple logic, the same logic most women often refuse to accept, so men have to be creative with their lies so that they can co-exist peacefully with women. Sometimes lying works out in a man's favor, other times it doesn't. So even though most men lie for good reasons associated with making a woman happy unfortunately sometimes a man's lies can turn situations bad. There are moments when he panics and his misunderstanding of proper lie usage to a woman ends up being self-destructive to not only him but everyone else. For example three of the most harmful lies a man can tell a woman is..."I apologize", "I do" and "I love you". Most times these three lies start out in a way that is meant to be helpful but they spiral out of control and become harmful.

 "I apologize" is the most common lie a man tells a woman. When used properly it is his shield. It protects him when she is bombarding him with questions about why he did something and he isn't quick enough to explain his actions. At that moment he may not even know what he did was considered wrong. All he understands is that his actions made her mad and shit is about to hit the fan. "I apologize" signals to her that he admits fault and wants to rapidly stop the beginning of an argument that he knows he is not prepared to have. But when "I apologize" is used for every scenario it looses its effectiveness. She recognizes he is only saying it to avoid talking with her and it infuriates her so then she launches into full attack mode. As a man saying "I apologize" requires a great deal of honesty. He may not be saying he is sorry specifically for what he did but he is sorry that his actions lead to her becoming upset. If he is not truly sorrowful that she is upset then he is only saying it to shut her up. Meaning he has no respect for her feelings. He then begins laying down a foundation of cold heartedness. Which leads him to become immune to her pains and frustrations. Once that occurs he becomes uncompassionate and that is when his lying to her, turns help to hurt. "I do." Most folks believe the only importance of a man saying "I do" is when he is accepting the publicly spoken vows during a marriage ceremony. But the effects of  saying "I do" reach far from the altar.

 "I do" is a term of understanding. In the event that a man tells a woman "I do" he is communicating to her that he accepts and clearly understands what she expects from him. Once a woman thinks a man has no question or quarrel with what she wants, she will be more inclined to trust him. She is relying on him to build up his end of the bridge so that they can cross safely over troubled waters. The problems begin when a man says "I do" constantly but doesn't comprehend the responsibilities of what is being asked of him. Once he fails to identify and accept responsibility he eventually begins to ignore critical relationship issues. When that occurs she feels like those issues are no longer important to him. When a man assumes and doesn't ask questions about what a woman desires it creates a confusion between them about what she needs from him to be happy. Confusion leads to frustration, frustration leads to angry and anger leads to hate and when man and woman start hating each other that is when his lying to her, turns help to hurt.

 "I love you" is the one set of spoken words that can destroy a man faster than the other two phrases combined. Because of the implied meaning that comes with speaking these words, a man can quickly see his life crumble into despair. When spoken to the wrong woman or said without the emotional attachment that usually accompanies it "I love you" can be a life sentence of pain. Since many men can't find other words to explain how a woman makes him feel or how he feels about a woman, "I love you" became the universal expression. When a man is confident enough to express his feelings he speaks the phrase "I love you" with confidence and pride. Sadly some men use "I love you" as a manipulation device. They use it to sweet-talk a woman getting into her head emotionally before making a home in her bed physically. These are the dudes that cause the ripple effect of using "I love you" negatively. Most men rarely tell a woman he loves her unless that is truly what's in his heart. But it doesn't matter what his true feelings are when he tells a woman who has been affected by the false "I love you". She has become jaded by the incorrect applications of another man's "I love you" so then she has a hard time accepting a genuine "I love you". But even the men that use "I love you" correctly can still cause the phrase to lose it's value. It mostly occurs after an extended period of time is shared with a woman. He becomes conditioned to saying it, almost an involuntary response when replying to his woman's "I love you". When a man says "I love you" to a woman with an empty feeling, it begins to erode his devotion to her. She in turns feels his detachment and then they both become emotionally separated. That is when his lying to her, turns help to hurt. So why do men lie to women?! It's because in his numerous quests to appease her, woman has taught man that lying to her benefits him more than it inflicts pain on her. As long as she isn't hurting, she is happy. And her happiness is the MAIN GOAL when a man is involved with a woman.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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