Monday, May 14, 2012

So Baby Mama #5 Is Suing YOU For CHILD SUPPORT.

How is this chick gonna take you to court. You thought y'all was better than that. She acting like you won't handle your business and care for your baby. Yeah so what that you got 6 other kids with 4 other women. The ONLY reason you don't do anything for your other kids is because their momma's always acting like crazy women. They constantly calling and stressing you out about not spending time or money on the kids. They just don't understand how hard it is in these streets trying to get that record label up and running. Plus your momma always fussing, talking about kicking you out of the garage. She should be supporting you instead of arguing when you ask to borrow her car so you can shop your demos around town. How many times did you tell her you would support her and the baby no matter what?! What, your word aint good enough for her now?!

 All she does is listen to her friends when they tell her all you do is eat, sleep and make babies. Those chicks don't know you like that. Yeah you're 32 with no job, no car or a place of your own but that don't give them the right to think you won't take care of THIS kid. The economy is bad and you haven't found that 9-5 that you like. So you hustling those mix tapes to survive. Just wait until you make it big and be on tour with Drake & Justin Bieber they gonna be jumping all over you man! They act like you don't love your kids or something. You make sure you see them at least once a month and you ALWAYS give them a Christmas gift. If the mommas weren't so nasty all the time and let you breathe, you WOULD spend more time with them. It aint fair that she's judging you on how you're gonna be with this kid based on how you treat your other kids. The past 13 years been rough.

 You doing the best you can given the circumstances. You didn't plan on fathering so many kids. Those chicks should've been on birth control anyway. You couldn't afford to spend money on condoms without having a steady paycheck and pulling out just doesn't feel right. Besides weed and ecstasy are expensive so you gotta spend the money your momma gives you for gas on that. Your baby mamas just don't appreciate you for the man you are. So baby mama #5 is suing you for child support, does it even matter?! Who cares what anyone says or thinks about're a good dude. SIKE!!! GET OUTTA HERE WITH THOSE LAME ASS EXCUSES!!! Like Furious Styles said "Any fool with a dick can make a baby but only a real man can raise his children." NOW MAN THE FUCK UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS CHUMP!!!

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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