Tuesday, May 29, 2012


 SEX!!! I love it! You love it! WE ALL LOVE IT. To be more accurate we all need it too. Not just for procreation reasons but for our relationships to grow and survive. The institution of sex is as old as time itself. It has a force so strong that once you have engaged in the act it affects you both physically and mentally. Through the centuries sex has evolved into an entity all its own. Folks have used sex to gain wealth, power and knowledge. But where the act of sex is most influential is in a relationship. When a person chooses another as worthy enough that special nasty-nasty time becomes almost critical. Having sex in relationships, doesn't mean once you get together you become automatically compatible. In order for both persons to benefit and remain satisfied it takes trust, commitment, communication and most importantly it takes a willing spirit to put in the work it takes to keep sex in a relationship relevant. People underestimate the effects that sex have in a relationship. They get comfortable. They begin to have that "they ain't going nowhere so why work to keep them" mentality...wrong, WRONG!!! The greatest threat to a relationship is complacency and sex in a relationship is no different. The longer a relationship has existed the greater the risk that is has of becoming stale and routine. It's true that over time folks develop habits and a common casualty of these habits is lack of sex. When a couple habitually stops humping regularly the excitement of the horizontal happy dance suffers because the sexing has become habitually predicable.

  It seems that people in a relationship forget about all the freaky naughty stuff they use to do to and for each other. We can lie to ourselves and blame outside forces. We can blame our kids, our careers, our weight gain, our erectile dysfunctions. We can place blame every where it will fit. But the reality is, in a relationship (especially a marriage or long term union) when sex becomes mundane it becomes boring. When it becomes boring it becomes a chore. And lets be honest nobody enjoys doing chores. So why even allow it to get so far past salvageable? So bad we out in the streets screwing around on our mates or wasting our money on Internet porn just to compensate for what we aren't receiving from our partners. Hey, remember when he used to eat your pussy until it was sore and his mouth went dry, now he doesn't even kiss past your chin. Remember when she used to excitedly ride your dick forwards, sideways and backwards until your thighs were chaffed now she just lays quietly on her back waiting for you to finish. Remember those spontaneous encounters on top of the dryer when the kids were outside or those hot passionate quickies in the parking lot on your lunch breaks. You used to have sex at least 3x A DAY now you get some 3x A YEAR...your birthday, Christmas and on your anniversary. What happened to your sex game?! Is the lack of one worth you resenting them? Having your situation destroyed because your sex life is wack?! FUCK THAT!!! You've spent too much time & emotion molding that penis right?! You've invested too much money and effort into that vagina right?! And you refuse to go out like some punk bitch that is scared to step up and make your partner remember why they used to scream out your social, birth-date AND entire government name during a session right?! YOU DAMN RIGHT YOU RIGHT!!!

Excellent...so now that the problem has been identified and the desire to fix it has been found how do you actually go about making sex exciting again and saving your relationship from an agonizing destruction at your own hands?! Glad you asked. Trust. Trust that your partner still wants to be with you. Don't question their loyalty or give them reasons to question yours. Commitment. Remain committed to them and to the idea that it took years to get to this bad place and that it might take years to get back to a good place. Communication. Never be afraid to discuss what your desires, fantasies or general expectations are sexual and be receptive to theirs. A clothed body don't get...well you know. Finally have a working spirit. STOP BEING A DAMN SPECTATOR!!! Put the necessary TIME & EFFORT into practice so that you can star when the game is on the line. Be proactive with implementing fresh ideas and techniques. Work hard to let them know that even though your sex life steadily declined your love and dedication ridiculously increased. Let's keep it real shall we. They haven't cheated, paid a prostitute or gave your cuter brother the freaky eye. So that alone after all these years means they still want to make it work with only you. He doesn't care about all those stretch marks or that you can't put your legs behind your head anymore, he still craves you. She doesn't care that your six pack is now a bulging beer belly or that your wee-wee takes longer to get hard, she still desires you. Make sex relevant again! Rub up against him from behind and massage his ding-a-ling while whispering how sexy he is in his ear. Spend that money and take her shopping, dinner and dancing then blow her back out then hold her till she falls asleep. Yes SEX...matters in a relationship. Don't believe the hype that sex is only important to single men. It is vital to both the physical and psychological well being of BOTH PARTNERS in a relationship. Cause if you forget how important sex is in a relationship you won't be happy or have a long lasting one.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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