Friday, May 11, 2012

BEING GAY Is AGAINST The 10 Commandments?!

   Growing up in the 80's and 90's being gay wasn't something that was publicly discussed. Raised up in a baptist church I was taught that sex before marriage and having a child out of wedlock was the greatest sin a young person could commit. Fast forward to 2012 and folks have rewritten religion. Apparently living the homosexual lifestyle makes you more of a sinner than lying, stealing or fornicating does. The wild thing is according to some "saints" if you break any of the ten commandments you can be forgiven if you repent and be accepted back into God's graces. But LAWD don't be gay and try to marry or raise kids and those same "saints" will burn you on the cross. Let's take a step back from the religious & political influences. Let's make it more personal, bring it to your front door shall we? You believe all those persons you slur with the labels fag & dyke are hell bound sinners right?! Well what happens when your daughter, son, sister, brother or dearest friend confides in you that they are in fact gay. Do you cast them out of your life and brand them as a godless heathens?! Do you try to cleanse & cure them of what you believe is a forbidden affliction?!

If you answered yes to either of those questions YOU ARE A FUCKING HYPOCRITE!!! How the hell are you gonna condemn someone for one thing when you out in the world doing shit that is 10x worse. Just because you're straight your daily sins aren't better than the sins of a gay person. Folks wanna throw out scriptures and passages saying being gay is an abomination against God. But I guess you creeping with your pastor's wife or molesting young boys is cool as long as you ask for forgiveness right?! Show me the scripture where it states being gay is a greater sin than murder or blasphemy. If you wanna reference the "good book" here's a quote for yo ass "THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH". God didn't clarify or categorize sins because in his judgements all sins are equal. Folk's interpretations of things should adapt as they grow and times change. But unfortunately people's mindset and beliefs rarely do without significant events that cause them to re-evaluate how they view the world. I had two events that changed my views on homosexuality. The first was my homie telling me he was gay and the second occurred when our daughter was born.

  It took a while for me to accept my friend was gay but I realized that he was still my dude he just liked dudes now hahahaha. We made an understanding, I didn't discuss chicks I banged with him and he didn't discuss dudes he banged with me. Years later we still cool as ice cubes. The birth of our daughter was the final nail pulled out of my coffin of ignorance that allowed my understanding to be resurrected. One day my wife and I were talking and I tell her that I hoped our baby loves & marries a good man. She said to me "you can't control who she falls in love with." DAAAMN!!! talk about a true MOMENT OF CLARITY. I thought what if she loves a dude I don't like or what if she loves a woman. I had to consider the realities of those possibilities. I accepted that regardless of who she loves or if she engages in a gay relationship, I may not agree with it but I (WE) wouldn't love her any less. Because in the end it is her life to live and her decisions to make. Maybe it's time for us all to have a moment of clarity...and stop judging each other based one what we believe is right or wrong. Cause let's be real we all have fucked up many times during various moments in our lives. So being gay is against the 10 commandments huh?! Probably time to actually read the good book instead of beating folks in the head with it. None of us are worthy of the blessings we receive but we still receive them...and it isn't because of our sexual orientations.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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