Friday, May 18, 2012

You're MARRIED...So Now What Do YOU DO?!

  You both wear new matching diamond ring bands. Have beautiful videos and pictures from your honeymoon. AND now you can finally tell your mother and father that you're not shacking up anymore! But after the wedding vows have been spoken, what do they really mean for you. Are you supposed to change who you are? Re-organize your whole life to accommodate the person that you co-signed that legal contract with? Feel, think and behave differently?! Granted each person has varying visions of what marriage is due to their cultural, religious and social beliefs. However the greatest division on how marriage is seen is when it is viewed in the mind of a woman and a man. A woman's view of marriage begins at the proposal. A man's view of marriage begins at his bachelor party. Why?! Because a woman sees marriage as the beginning of new things while a man sees marriage as the end of old things.

 Example?! When a woman tells her mother & girls she is getting married excitement runs rampant! They all hug, scream and cry together. They have a genuine sense of happiness. When a man tells his father and male friends that he is getting married the response that follows is universal..."Are you fucking serious?! Why?!" The question is asked not out of doubt, but out of genuine curiosity. Other men understand the realities of marriage for a man and they want to know why he has chosen this path. Think about it. Women will control all details during wedding planning why?! Because she is preparing for her new role of controlling her husband. Men will follow all directions given to him to follow why?! Because he is conditioning himself for his new role of taking directions from his wife. Because a woman realizes the endless possibilities that her new life as a married woman can offer she is super hyped about it. A man suddenly realizes that he will never have sex with different women again and that he is surrendering himself to the mercy of one vagina for the rest of his adult life and he becomes nervous about that notion.

 But don't let that scare you off on the idea of marriage...marriage is actually the shit IF both partners are on the same page. A woman marries that one man who she believes is committed to making her happy despite any circumstance. A man marries that one woman that he believes he will always be sexually attracted to. The truly cool thing is that because of these and numerous other opposite ways that women and men view marriage those views actually become beneficial tools for the continued success of the union. Women learn to prepare for the future and men learn to accept that the past is gone. Those learned lessons alter the mindset of both parties and allows them to come together and walk the same path. Once the ring-cuffs have been put on. You ARE supposed to change who you are, you're not single anymore, it's called a partnership. You WILL have to re-organize your life to accommodate your co-signer, it's called sacrifice. You SHOULD feel, think and behave differently because your priorities have changed, its called responsibility. You're married, so now what do you do?! It's simple really. Understand and accept that marriage can be a lasting and prosperous business as long as both parties focus on the most important aspects of it...supporting, respecting and loving each other. Do that and you will experience joys and pleasures that extend way past your super freaky wedding night.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.


  1. Marriage is what you and your apouse make of it. Compromise and sacrifice are key terms that needs to be utilize in a marriage. Most of all trusting and understanding each other. Believe in each other and communicate.

  2. Very fitting for where I am in my life right now, thanks MrTWIL

    1. Good glad it helped you...may you both be blessed as you embark on your new journey together

  3. Married is not something to take lightly. But I can say it is so much more fun then I married best friend
