Tuesday, May 22, 2012

RESPECT the power of the VAGINA

There is a spiritual bond between man and vagina. For most boys it begins as innocently as a kiss on the cheek. Followed by the caressing and exploration of the female body parts that he had only seen in magazines or on videos. The awkward feelings of nervousness and excitement combine to create an unfamiliar scene that once experienced, will elevate him from being a boy to becoming a man. That moment of GTD, getting the draws or having sexual intercourse with a woman. When a boy is on the verge of losing his virginity it is rarely an event that he has planned for. Sure he has had plenty of wet dreams and beat off to numerous booty movies but that is the extent of his preparation. He is just so excited that he is finally about to get some tail that he doesn't concern himself with who, where or how special it will be. He doesn't worry about his performance, her reaction or his emotions before or afterwards. His only goal is to successfully persuade the girl to allow him to enter her Slice of Heaven, bust a nut and then leave without the fears of having fathered a child or a catching an STD. Once the deed is done regardless of age or maturity he was ventured into a whole new level of living. He has been granted access into a confusing world populated by the most intelligent, beautiful and dangerous creatures known to mankind. He has sampled the nectar of the sweetest berry and is now under the influence of God's greatest gift and Satan's greatest temptation. He has finally been invited by a woman to stand at the pedestal of Pussy...and he is glad to be in it's presence.

 Now that he has completed one of the three major male milestones of his life (lose virginity, acquire more Hot Buns and father offspring) he now has to make that decision that every man has to make once the Coochie magnet has attracted him. This decision has the power to surround him with great pleasure or inflict great pain not only physically but spiritually on a man's ENTIRE LIFE, so he MUST not make it without great consideration. He has to decide if he will treasure the Pinky Sneaky and use if for good or abuse it by taking it for granted, dishonoring the sacred attachment that allows it to unite man, women and child. Every man inherits the burden of this choice after he dives deep into the Grandest of Canyons. Some carry the burden with dignity and understanding while others are crushed under it's weight of expectations and assumptions. Some men become disillusioned and consumed by the ideal that the Cookie has to be controlled. They waste their whole lives attempting to dominate it and then teach their sons & daughters those behaviors either directly or indirectly. Coupled with the reality that some woman who were trusted to care for this prized possession allow it to come under the ownership of a man, who was never meant to wield it's power, end up destroying the preciousness of the Punani. These factors can force the man to go against his natural instinct to value the Love Box. His thought process is altered and his choice to disrespect the Snapper gains more support because he believes after watching her treatment of it that if she doesn't cherish the Holiest of Holies...then why should he?!

 So not only is his respect of the The Notorious V.A.G. distorted, but also his view of the woman that possesses it. Once he opens Pandora's Pink Box a man forever becomes a slave to it's contents. As much as women are attached to it, it is men who develop a complete dependence on it. The addiction and allure of the Temperamental Tunnel has forced many men who have underestimated it's pull to go from riches to rags. The Velvet Office has caused men to go to war, change their religions and drive sane men into unpredictable bouts of insanity. The Peach Pit has been man's Achilles' heel since the Garden of Eden. Because it is a hellva of drug, a man can become so intoxicated in his pursuit of the Pride Lands that he doesn't know how to stop man whoring. However it IS possible for a man to fall deeply in love and remain committed to a single Love Cushion. But again as with everything in his life it is all about CHOICE. He can either play penis Russian Roulette with various women while fathering many kids or develop a meaningful and lasting relationship with one women and her Kitty Kat. But in the end it's the men that comprehend the love/hate relationship of the Nappy Dugout that are the same ones that end up valuing and properly using it to raise both himself & her up to their greatest potentials. Regardless of it's ever-evolving description over the centuries, one thing is clear, achieving that elusive understanding of how to proper treat the Mystical Fold is critical to a man's success in life. This wisdom is the foundation he needs to have, so that he can build a strong home of love and live peacefully within in with a woman. Men AND Woman need to respect the power of the Vagina...because with great power comes great responsibility.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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