Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why are YOU waiting for HIS marriage PROPOSAL?!

You have been together for years. Have taken numerous weekend getaways and planned vacations together. Spent time with his family. Know all his friends. You live, eat and sleep together, hell you may even share a child together. You know he loves you but something is missing...perhaps a bended knee request for you to become his wife. But why hasn't he asked or even hinted that he wants to marry you?!

If you are in this situation you are no doubt asking yourself this and many other questions. Truth is you're also probably tired of all your family and friends questioning you about it. But as his woman you SHOULD realize that forcing him to propose is not a good move...about as predictable as the results of igniting a bomb. So how do you play your hand without losing the game? Do you ask your mom, best girlfriend or that guy that has been in your friend zone for years for their thoughts on the matter?! HELL NO!!! Do you wait for a couple more years sulking in bitter silence?! FUCK THAT!

So what is a woman to do when she is ready to go from a Miss to a Mrs.? The answer my dear is simple...YOU ask HIM for his hand in marriage. Get off your ass and stop waiting for Prince Charming to rescue you. Traditional views will keep you unwed with all of the responsibilities of a wife but without none of the legal benefits. If you are sincere AND serious when you ask him he will then realize how sincere AND serious he is about you. If he thinks you are a good investment (cause that's what marriage is, a business decision) and not just a stock to drop when the shit gets real he will appreciate your initiative and as Beyonce said "like it and put a ring on it" Think about like this, you ask him he says yes ya'll get married and get to the hokey pokey with a legal contract. He says no and you have the option to move on or wait. So why are you waiting for his marriage proposal?! Play your hand and then at least you will know that all the cards are on the table.

Be Safe. Be Blessed

1 comment:

  1. if i were single i would have to say, nope, never would i ever...
