Thursday, May 31, 2012


 We have all experienced it as parents and as care givers or witnessed it as bystanders. A little kid pitching a fit and falling out loudly in the middle of a busy store. Screaming, throwing things or even loudly cussing and hitting...just embarrassing the hell out of whoever they are with. Most folks stop, stare and watch the show. Then there are those bold strangers that offer advice on how to properly "handle" the child's vivid outbursts. As a person seeing this event unfold you may find it entertaining or even irritating. But as a parent or care-giver you understand that this situation is about as nerve wreaking as they come. So what happens next?! How do you keep your calm when your child is testing you AND doing it in a very public setting?! Do you ignore their behavior? Attempt to reason with them?! Put them on timeout? Or do you spank their butt on the spot?! This is the dilemma that many have faced but even fewer can agree on how to resolve. Depending on how you were raised or what you believe works, your methods of child discipline will differ.

 Regardless of what method is used, the goal is the same. To teach your child that every action has a reaction and every choice has a consequence. Parents today are scared to discipline their kids. Too busy trying to be their friends instead of that guiding hand. Without using some form of correction  it becomes almost impossible to raise a child. Now, It seems that recently spanking has become the most debated method but why?! Is spanking as destructive to a child as folks suggest...the real answer...HELL NO!!! Over the years I have acquired experienced insight from having my own butt spanked growing up and spanking the butts of those I have helped to raise. So I am quite confident in saying when used appropriately and done under control spanking can be one of THE BEST FORMS OF DISCIPLINE FOR A CHILD. However, the art of "spanking butts" is very delicate. If utilized properly it won't need to be used to resolve every issue you experience with your sometimes tantrum prone child. It is rarely effective when used as a fear/scare tactic. The main concept that needs to be understood is that it SHOULD NEVER be used during an uncontrollable fit of anger (then it becomes abuse). But spanking can speak the proper language and deliver the message clearly when you have exhausted your own voice repeatedly asking your child to do or not to do something.

 If you choose to use spanking a lot of common sense has to be used as well. The child's age, understanding level and the "crime" must all be taken into consideration. Example you don't spank a two year old because they have an accident in their clothes BUT you can spank a two year if you have repeatedly explained that they don't run away from you while walking in the street and they do it, which almost causes them to get hit by a car. Folks want to lump spanking butts in with child abuse. They wanna tell people it makes kids more aggressive. Well they can say what they want but I grew up on spankings and because of them I developed a healthy respect for my parents and other adults. I spanked my little cousins, nieces and nephews when they acted out in my care and they still love their uncle. And when our daughter deliberate disobeys or disregards us sometimes she gets her butt warmed too but she still kisses and hugs us daily. I learned to be respectful, accept consequences, avoid trouble and make better decisions because of spanking. Spanking butts may seem harsh to others but to me it is a part of my life that has done me more great than harm. I stand firm against abuse whether it be mental or physical and those that engage in child abuse should never be excused. Because there is such a HUGE gap between abuse and spanking, it always confuses me why folks are quick to label them as the same. There is nothing wrong with spanking your kids' butts...tell you the truth if more people got spankings as young kids maybe the world wouldn't have so many inconsiderate asshole adults in it.

Be Safe. Be Blessed.

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